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Developing Phonics & Encouraging Good Reading Habits For Children
Developing Phonics:
Encouraging Good Reading Habits For Children:
Why Does My Child Not Enjoy Reading?
Not every child enjoys reading. Some common reasons why your child may not like to read include:
- Your child regards reading as a chore
- Your child has difficulty reading
- Your child thinks reading is boring
- Your child hasn’t found an engaging book yet
9 Ways To Encourage Good Reading Habits In Kids:
1. Create A Reading Area: Create an area for your child where they can read in peace and quite. Light Up the room, obtain a comfy bean bag chair, a variety of books, and then your child will have their own special little reading corner.
2. Have Different Books & Comics In Your Home: Ensure your child easy access to books and other reading materials at home. This will help your child understand that reading is not just for school— and that you can read anywhere.
3. Visit Your Local Library: Having access to and exciting books fun can be easy with a library card. At your local public library your child can pick out a variety of books that catches their attention.
4. Read Each Night: Reading can become part of your child’s night-time routine.
5. Set An Example: As a parent you can act as a role model and read in front of your child. If your child can see you reading magazines, newspapers, and books this will shows them that reading is important. A great idea is to encourage your child to join in with you with their own book while you are reading.
6. Expose Your Child To Different Book Genres: Find a book that interests your child. It can be fun to explore different book genres like mystery, science-fiction, comic books, and more. The more interested your child is in a subject, the more they will be excited to read!
7. Talk About What Your Child Is Reading: After your child has finished a book, talk about what happened and ask about their favorite characters and favorite parts. This will enhance your child’s comprehension skills, and make reading a family activity.
8. Encourage Reading At Home And Everywhere In Between: Show your child that reading is used more than just for books. Practice reading food menus, movie names, game instructions & more — the goal is to show your child that reading is everywhere.
9. Support Your Child: If your child has difficulty reading and gets frustrated, you can take a step back and find out where they are struggling. Arrange to speak with your child's teacher and see if your child required any additional support.