Southpaw - Inflatable Barrel Kit Large (1330)
by SOU002
Original price
€1,837.40 ex. VAT
Southpaw Code: 1330
This kit provides a convenient way of putting inner tubes together to make a barrel. Our special cover holds the inner tubes together firmly enough that clients can sit or lay on top of the barrel.
Southpaw’s Inflatable Barrel Kit includes: Specially made valve stem covers to protect clients, (3) inner tubes, (1) barrel cover and (3) Southpaw Tube Wraps.
Outer diameter: 40".
Inner diameter: approx.24"
Working load: 250 lbs.
Use under adult supervision.
Product Code SPW123
All Southpaw Barrels Soft Play & Games Southpaw Barrels Southpaw Inflatable Barrels Southpaw Products Suspension Equipment
All Southpaw Barrels Soft Play & Games Southpaw Barrels Southpaw Inflatable Barrels Southpaw Products Suspension Equipment