Auditory Processing Of Early Language Comprehension Skills
by OUT002
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These lessons are designed to develop auditory processing comprehension skills in multiple areas. While looking at a picture, students listen to a story. Questions are then asked that separate the story information into specific language comprehension skills, such as;
general comprehension,
following directions,
sentence completion,
time and spatial details
and other specific information.
While it may sound difficult for primary grades, it really is not. It is just a very structured way to teach the students they can easily separate information in a story to answer a broad range of comprehension questions. Suitable for 6-9 years.
Product Code AUD004
All Books All Language Acquisition Auditory Processing Auditory Processing Comprehension Skills Auditory Processing Disorder Back To School Teachers Books & Fun Decks Books Books & Fun Decks Comprehensions Language Language & Auditory Skills Language Acquisition
All Books All Language Acquisition Auditory Processing Auditory Processing Comprehension Skills Auditory Processing Disorder Back To School Teachers Books & Fun Decks Books Books & Fun Decks Comprehensions Language Language & Auditory Skills Language Acquisition