Southpaw Kid Lite Barrel (1050) - Purchased to Order
by SOU002
Original price
€1,410.57 ex. VAT
This heavy-duty barrel can be used to help develop balance and coordination.
Clients can crawl through the barrels to enhance spatial awareness; add movement and they also provide strong vestibular input. If a therapist or client is inside a barrel, it provides heavy work for another client to push the barrel. The sturdy foam enables a therapist to work with a client on top of the barrel for balance and positioning activities.
The Kid-Lite Barrel is lined with vinyl and foam and covered on the outside with soft carpet. Padded edges around the rim help prevent pinched fingers. Colors may vary.
Dimensions: 21 inches diameter x 25 inches Length
Working Load: 250 lbs
Weight: 20 lbs.
Use under adult supervision.
Product Code SPW148
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