Inclusion Toolkit - Book A Planning
What do you actually do as a regular class teacher when you learn that a student in your class has special needs?
Including a student with special needs in your programme does not have to be as diffiicult as it can sometimes be made to sound. And the IEP (Individual Education Plan) can be, is supposed to be, an excellent tool to help this process - not an extra burden.
This handbook shows teachers how to respond professionally in the first few days of enrolling their special needs student, and later how to harness their own considerable skills and knowledge (as well as that of others) to devise and implement a practical and realistic educational plan.
Book A: Planning - Table of Contents
Section 1: Where do I start?
Section 2: How do I decide what to teach her?
Section 3: Organising the Individual Education Plan
Section 4: The IEP meeting
Section 5: Writing up the IEP
Section 6: Implementing the IEP
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