Puttycise® Theraputty® tool - L-bar
€13.82 ex. VAT
There's a new twist in hand therapy.
Puttycise® is great for use with Theraputty® to increase function and versatility.
The L-bar is meant to simulate opening a door, tightening a jar, pushing a lid onto a container, tightening a valve, holding a glass of water, and opening makeup containers.
Exercise Descriptions:
Forearm Supination: Stabilize elbow at side, hold shaft of L-bar with a fi rm grip, place the tip into the putty, rotate forearm turning palm up.
Forearm Pronation: Stabilize elbow at side, hold shaft of L-bar with a fi rm grip, place the tip into the putty, rotate forearm turning palm down.
Radial Deviation: Hold shaft of L-bar starting in an ulnarly deviated position, place the tip into the putty, radially deviate wrist while pushing the tip through the putty.
Ulnar Deviation: Hold shaft of L-bar starting in a radially deviated position, place the tip into the putty, ulnarly deviate wrist while pulling the tip through putty.
Functional Pull: Start with a fi rm hold on the shaft of the L-bar, place the tip into the putty, pull the tip through the putty. Activates the entire upper extremity from the digit tips to the peri-scapular region.
Wrist Flexion: Start with L-bar base in the putty, grip the shaft, bend wrist into fl exion rotating the base through the putty
Wrist Extension: Start with L-bar base in the putty, grip the shaft, bend wrist into extension rotating the base through the putty.
Made of durable plastic.
3 x 3 x 8 inches
Thera-putty sold separately here
Use under adult supervision
Adult Appropriate Resources All OT & Physio Anti Stress Clay Dough knead L-Bars Mold Motor Skills OT & Physio Resources Thera-Putty Theraputty Theraputty Motor Skills Theraputty Tools