Southpaw - Snuggle Swing (120005) - Purchased to Order
by SOU002
Original price
€414.63 ex. VAT
A different twist on the popular Cuddle Swing…like the Cuddle Swing, the Snuggle Swing is made of a soft, stretchy fabric, but offers one closed side, allowing for more stability as a child sits and looks through the opening of the swing.
With the deep pressure provided throughout the body, the Snuggle Swing is an ideal way to address calming and organizing needs while incorporating vestibular input during any treatment activity.
Dimensions: 64" L.
Working Load: 300 lbs
Use under adult supervision.
Importance Notice: All swings must be used with Southpaw’s Safety rotational Device and safety Snap. This is purchased separately, SPW068 or SPW105
Product Code SPW142
All Swings (M - Z) Snuggle Snuggle Swings Southpaw Snuggle Swings Southpaw Swings Southpaw Swings (M - Z) Suspension Equipment Swings
All Swings (M - Z) Snuggle Snuggle Swings Southpaw Snuggle Swings Southpaw Swings Southpaw Swings (M - Z) Suspension Equipment Swings