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Southpaw - Trapeze Bar Adult 39" (4000) - Purchased to Order

by SOU002
Original price

€170.73 ex. VAT

Southpaw Code: 4000

This Trapeze Bar allows clients to work on their upper extremity strengthening, increase their flexion posture, and improve their motor planning skills.

It offers a fun way to challenge many of their over-all development skills.

Bar diameter: 1 1/4"
Width: Adult: 39"

Swing Height: 36"
Working Load: 200 lbs

Use under adult supervision

Importance Notice: All swings must be used with Southpaw’s Safety rotational Device and safety Snap. This is purchased separately, SPW068 or SPW105

Product Code SPW219
All Swings (M - Z) Southpaw Swings (M - Z) Suspension Equipment swings Trapeze