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Bathroom Urgency & Frequent Accidents

- Going to the toilet is an activity everyone will do numerous times a day.

- We feel an urge and go.

- Interestingly the ability to know when it is time to go to the bathroom relies on the sensory feedback to the brain from the bladder or intestines.

- The sensory urge to go the toilet comes from the interceptors in the gut.

- If a child under registers sensory information, it is possible that he/she could also under register sensory information from the gut.


Ideas to Help:

- Understand that there may indeed be a sensory explanation for this. Do not discipline a child who truly may not be having the sensation of needing to go until it is too late.

- There may be medical reasons for frequent toilet accidents, and it is important to rule this out with your pediatrician.

- Ensure that all teachers and all caregivers are aware of this sensory explanation.

- Sensory Processing and registration must occur in order for toilet accidents to decrease or be eliminated.

- Providing overall enriched sensory activities throughout the day can help in the long run. Daily frequent sensory activities is very important.

- Focus on proprioceptive activities to promote overall body awareness.

- Try not to place expectations on the child in regards to a certain age in which the child will be fully potty trained. It is not uncommon for children with sensory difficulties to fully potty train after age 5.

- If the toilet accidents are occurring at night, even more developmental time may be needed, especially for boys. This is not uncommon through at least age 6.


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