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You are a Social Detective! Explaining Social Thinking to Kids

by OUT002
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Every one of us is a Social Detective. We are good Social Detectives when we use our eyes, ears, and brains to figure out what others are planning to do next or are presently doing and what they mean by their words and actions. This entertaining comic book offers different ways that can be reviewed repeatedly with students to teach them how to develop their own social detective skills. Enjoy watching your students and kids blossom day-by-day into successful Social Detectives! Then, have children practice their detective skills with the interactive Social Detective Apps based on the book!

The Sections of the Book Include

  • School Smarts/Social Smarts & Expected Behavior
  • Unexpected Behavior
  • Being a Social Detective
  • Social thinking vocabulary keywords highlighted throughout the book and defined in the back of the book include
  • Social Smarts: The type of “smarts” in our brains that we use whenever we are around other people. Social smarts help our brains to know that others are having thoughts about us and we are having thoughts about them. We use social smarts in school, at home, and EVERYWHERE!
  • School Smarts: Different types of “smarts” in our brains that we use for school learning. Things like math smarts, computer smarts, music smarts, science smarts, and many more.
  • Body in the group: Your body is in the group if others feel you are part of the group. For example when you are standing, this means keeping your body about one arm’s length away from others. The front of your body will be turned towards others in the group.
  • Brain in the group: Your brain is in the group when others feel that you are paying attention to what is happening in the group; for example, when you are thinking about others with your eyes and listening to what they are talking about.
  • Thinking with your eyes: This means that you are using your eyes to look at a person and it makes them feel that you are thinking about what they are saying or doing.
Product Code YOU014
Behaviour Books & Fun Decks Books Books & Fun Decks Children's Books Comic Strips Comics comic books Social skills Comics Strips Communication Social Skills