Sequences - Verb Tenses Colorcards
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€34.96 ex. VAT
16 three-step sequences illustrating the past, present and future tenses of familiar activities.
Eight verbs have regular, and therefore predictable, past tenses.
Ten of the sequences show singular verb forms with one person doing the activity, and six show plural forms with two people involved. Examples include:
- Cleaning football boots
- Packing a suitcase
- Sweeping the floor
- Cutting a cake
- Brushing hair
- Lighting candles.
Individual cards can be used to focus on one tense, or use the whole sequence to contrast past, present and future tenses.
These cards are a flexible and fun resource for language teaching and therapy with people of all ages and backgrounds.
Contains: 48 laminated 6 x 6 inches cards, instruction booklet, and storage box.
Age: 5+
Product Code SEQ003
All Language Acquisition Back To School Teachers Card Games Cards ColorCards Future Tense Games Language Language Acquisition Past Tense Present Tense Problem Solving Skills Tenses Verbs
All Language Acquisition Back To School Teachers Card Games Cards ColorCards Future Tense Games Language Language Acquisition Past Tense Present Tense Problem Solving Skills Tenses Verbs