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The Challenging Child

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Original price €14.00
Most children fall into five basic personality types that stem from inborn physical characteristics: the sensitive child, the self-absorbed child, the defiant child, the inattentive child, and the active/aggressive child.

Stanley Greenspan, M.D., is the first to show parents how to match their parenting to the challenges of their particular child.

He identifies and vividly describes these five universal temperaments and then, with great empathy, shows parents how each of these children actually experiences the world and how to use daily childrearing to enhance an individual child’s strengths and talents.

Dr. Greenspan was Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at George Washington University Medical School and Chairman of the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders as well as the founding president of Zero to Three: The National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families, and past director of the NIMH Mental Health Study Center and the Clinical Infant Development Program.

336 Pages

Product Code TCH001
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